Creating Additional Users

For every Athena mailbox, there is one master user account. For this account, login and password are provided by Liaison:

  • Login: Liaison Mailbox ID, which typically consists of 4-5 digits (e.g. 15928)
  • Password: A randomly assigned sequence of letters and numbers, which are case sensitive

Although this master account cannot be reset by you, anyone signed in under this account has the ability to create additional Liaison Athena users for the Athena account, called Virtual Users. The advantages of having multiple users under one Athena account are as follows:

  • The privacy of the master account login and password is not compromised
  • Users can establish more easy-to-remember logins and passwords for their convenience
  • Some preferences, including folder view, message display, and interface language, are customizable per user

When a new user is created from the Athena interface, a welcome e-mail message is generated to that user, inviting them to log into Athena. The instructions for creating the new user and generating this welcome message are outlined next.

To create a new virtual user...

  1. Open the Users folder by clicking it from the bottom of the left-hand folder tree. You must be logged in as an administrator in order to see this folder or create new users.
  2. Click the New User icon to open the New User Setup screen, as shown next.
  3. In the User's name field, enter the user's display name. The user will be able to change this display name later, if desirable.
  4. In the User's e-mail address field, enter the e-mail address that the new user invitation will be sent to. This will also become the new user's permanent login.
  5. In the Role field, select the user's role (i.e. level of permissions). There are five roles to choose from:
    • Administrator. User has full permissions, including the ability to create, edit, and delete virtual user accounts.
    • Standard. User has document read, create, send, and delete permissions, but not the ability to create, edit, and delete virtual user accounts.
    • Restricted. User has document read, create, and send permissions, but cannot delete documents.
    • Editor. User has document read, create, and delete permissions, but cannot send documents.
    • Read-Only. User can read, flag, or set statuses for documents, but cannot create, delete, send, or edit the contents of documents. In addition, some system operations are restricted for read-only users. Notably, read-only users cannot create new folders, move documents, archive documents, or restore documents.
  6. Click OK. Athena sends an invitation to the new user.

Users logged in as administrators can access the Users folder at any time to add or delete users, or edit the status and role of an existing user. Users assigned a status of "inactive" will be denied access.

The display name for any user can be altered by that user from the General tab of Athena's preferences. In addition, with the exception of users logged in under the master account, users can change their password from this tab as well.